What We Do

Sustainability, in its broadest sense, in the corporate arena, is not an ‘add on’, or something that is occasionally thought about or dealt with by a specific department. Giving Back’s consultancy paves the way towards an ethos – an all encompassing philosophy for the way in which we work and the decisions we make, all along the supply chain. It’s inspiring and far reaching, yet simplistic and achievable. All it takes is a different mind set and a little initiative.

As a boutique pioneering brand,, we will guide you in a logical and progressive format, using the structure of ISO26000 as a backbone. This will enable us to snapshot the status quo of your organisation and make progressive steps towards new milestones in each area we delve into.

ISO 26000 provides guidance rather than requirements, and for this reason, cannot be certified unlike some other well-known ISO standards. Instead, it helps clarify what social responsibility is, helps businesses and organisations translate principles into effective actions and shares best practices relating to social responsibility, globally. It caters for all types of organisations regardless of their activity, size or location.

Simplistically, we use the ISO 26000 framework to guide you on the various criteria that constitutes a comprehensive sustainability strategy for your organisation.

Following an interview with key members in your organisation, we use the feedback provided to present our findings and our recommendations on how you can improve your social license.

With the Giving Back Malta report in hand, you will, in time, be entitled to an ESG recognition certificate, an initiative currently being developed by the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA), a public authority, with focus on standardisation, that will seek to measure any milestones achieved, and targets reached, following the implementation period allocated by Giving Back Malta.

Following this evaluation, your organisation will be awarded with the ISO 26000 ESG recognition award by the MCCAA. This is not an ISO26000 management certification, since ISO 26000 is a guideline and not a certifiable standard. Your award recognises your organisations acquaintance and subsequent efforts to operate within a socially responsible and sustainable environment.

This award will enable you to promote your organisation’s purpose on your marketing material and in your media campaigns and will be valid for 3 years. The Giving Back Malta audit would need to be renewed after three years for an additional nominal fee.

With this award in hand, your organisation will be recognised for it efforts and can enjoy the advantages of having a social licence.

In order to recognise our client’s willingness to think beyond people and profits, and encapsulate the true essence of the triple P (people, profits and planet), we are proud to have been recognised as certified ESG providers and to this effect we are collaborating with Malta Enterprise, the Ministry for environment, energy and enterprise (MEEE) and the Malta Chamber of Commerce as well as the European Regional Development Funding, in order for our clients to be eligible to a rebate on a percentage of our consultancy fees, subject to the organisations eligibility.

Our consultancy fee is quoted in our first meeting and the relevant rebate scheme, based on the organisations eligibility, will be discussed accordingly.

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