Corporate Social Responsibility

What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

CSR refers to an organisation’s commitment to operate in an ethical and responsible manner by considering its impact on society, the community, the environment and stakeholders beyond just profit generation.

How does CSR help an organisation?

Enhanced Reputation and Brand Value
CSR demonstrates an organisations commitment to societal well-being, thereby enhancing the brand’s reputation, making it more attractive to customers, investors and employees.

Positive Employee Morale and Engagement
Employees feel a sense of pride and purpose when they form part of an organisation which contributes positively to society. CSR initiatives strengthen employee morale, job satisfaction and overall engagement.

Customer Loyalty
Organisations with strong CSR initiatives will typically attract and retain socially conscious customers - as they prefer to support businesses aligned with their values.

Innovation and Competitive Advantage
CSR can drive innovation through encouraging organisations to find sustainable and responsible solutions to societal challenges. This may lead to new products or services which provide a competitive edge.

Risk Mitigation
Effective CSR strategies help mitigate risks related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.